Friday, May 18, 2012

Set your mind above.

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." 
-Colossians 3:2

We came into this world with nothing and that is how we'll leave it. The world's way of earning riches is grasping and hoarding. You attain God's riches by letting go and giving. Things of this world will fail you because these things will come and go. But God's riches will never fail you. His love never fails. Ever. He loves each one of us with a love that no one can measure or compare with. Live a life that shows this. Set your mind on things above because they will never change. Things of this world will leave you empty but God's gifts are constant and eternal. The joy and excitement of salvation far outweighs any excitement of a worldly event (concert, party, etc.) Salvation is an eternal relationship with the Lord.  Now I'm not saying don't go to concerts or parties. All I'm stating is that if you do start to spend more time on godly things that aren't of this world, then you will feel so much excitement and this excitement will not compare to anything of this world. It's an excitement from the Holy Spirit. Set your mind above. 
Here is a list of ways I want to live for the Lord and set my mind above. 

1. Give freely and openly
2. Love those who hate you and won't love you back
3. Don't be consumed with your safety & comfort
4. Live a life that connects you with the poor
5. Seek to make yourself less known, and Christ more known
6. Do not consider service a burden
7. Be known as a giver
8. Think about heaven frequently
9. Don't act better for God, just be real with Him
10. Forgive others even when it seems impossible

1 comment:

  1. Yeah and funny how we can't do any of those things on that list for real without Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Ya know also, so crazy, but God is most glorified when we're loving Him most. He's what it's all about, yeah and setting our minds on Him, above. (:
